Apr 10, 2009

Obama: The most polarizing president.

Who has been the most polarizing new U.S. President of recent times? In today's Washington Post, Michael Gerson writes it is Barack Obama. And he has stats to back him up. Of course Mssr. Gerson was a Bush speechwriter...

1 comment:

  1. Though I am no regular viewer of Jon Daily's show on The Comedy Channel (I don't even know the show's name) - I happened upon an excerpted segment while "channel surfing" one evening, and paused briefly enough to chuckle at the ironic truth of his remark(s).

    In it, he mocked former Vice President Richard "Dick" Cheney, whom of late has been cited "making the rounds" of select television news and commentary shows.

    In one interview, Cheney, whom is fond of what some describe as "fear mongering," essentially performe his dead-pan 'we-should-still-be-afraid-of-al-Qaeda' because blah, blah, blah... routine.

    When the interviewer asked Mr. Cheney if he still received the Daily Defense Briefs, Mr. Cheney quietly responded, "no."

    In typical fashion, Stewart took Cheney's negative affirmation and hit a home run, making mockery of the fact that he (Cheney) no longer was "in the loop" of Daily Intelligence Briefings regarding our national security.

    Though on a personal level, I have no doubt that Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda are enemies of our nation, and as such, should be brought to justice for their terrorist acts against our and other nations, we should NEVER be motivated by fear! NEVER!

    As was once famously said, "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!"

    Fear will NEVER motivate anyone toward any positive action, and when one acts out of fear, the actions are often quite negative.

    So with regard for any of the previous administration's efforts to undermine this administration's fearless actions, I have nothing to say.

    Their impotence is well beyond any benefit Viagra could possibly render, and for all their hot talk, it stirs no passions in the mind of the American public.
