Is your pet too pampered to travel in a cage? Book him or her on the first airline for pets. No, not between Alabama and anywhere, at least not yet. PetAirways is limited to some major U.S. destinations. Not one is in The South. That doesn't surprise me, really. We love our pets here as much as they do in the rest of the country, but pleeezzze! We've spent years conditioning our four-footed friends that they're the ones going on vacation when we cart them off to the spa (vet) for a long weekend. (Frankly, I'm not sure this whole thing isn't a hoax, but any excuse to talk about pets is fine by me.)
[UPDATE: I'm not the only one to smell a rat. Check out this blogger's great work on tracking the story.]
What kind of pets do you have?
ReplyDeleteI have 2 German Shepherds, 14 chickens, 2 ducks, one African Pygmy goat and 7 cats. I spend much of my time trying to prevent my two GSD's from eating everyone else.
Florentine Ebony "Princess" was my solid black German Shepherd Dog bitch. She was a gift to me from a long-time friend. I enjoyed her company (as she mine) for nine years. She's now dead, and has been for a couple of years.
ReplyDeleteThat girl would go with me just about everywhere. When I was in the Jeep, so was she. She'd be on the sidewalk cafés with me, parks, construction sites, church, stores... almost everywhere I went! If I was inside and didn't bring her, she waited outside on the sidewalk patiently.
Folks said three things about her (in no particular order) 1.) "Oh my, what a big dog!"; 2.) Oh my, what a beautiful dog!; 3.) Oh my, what a well behaved dog!
I spent quite literally (here's your "literally" watch, Tim!) thousands of hours training her. She was, at her heaviest, 75 pounds. For a bitch, that's BIG!
When I get another, I'll title her in Sch for certain! (I'm partial to females.)
But, more to the point about your post.
When that airline finally kicks in high gear, do you reckon they'll have flights to the Bangkok Pussycat?
Please, don't say "neigh"!
You know, that story could be a bum steer! It might be that those whom laid that egg could be hoping for it on the on faces of those whom believe it.
But don't be chicken, now!
I hope that didn't get your goat! (Or would it be Loretta's GSDs getting that goat?)
But remember, it's either a bunch of bull, or the jackasses that spend their money are ducking fiscal responsibility!
Bear with me, now.
A little bird told me that those bunch of turkeys might be the proverbial elephant in the room! Imagine having that albatross around your neck! It's be like an 800 pound gorilla to have that pork project. And that's what really bugs me.
That some mole would do that is unconscionable. And that bunch of magpies don't help matters, either!
It's true, I know, because I heard it straight from the horse's mouth. When they get together, they're like a pack of wild dogs. Someone needs to roar like a lion to get their attention, for sure! And they can be as stubborn as a Missouri mule!
And at times like this, I wish I could fly away like a little bird... on the Pet Airline. I would, but I'm concerned someone would try and goose me. The worm!
So, now either this is a bunch of cock and bull, or it's a dog and pony show for a fledgling business trying to break out of the shell airlines have placed themselves in.
I hope there's no snake in the grass on this one, because it's not monkey business when you swim with sharks. It's a tangled spider's web, to be certain!
Though it's not sweet as a honey, it's is as busy as a bee, and it makes me mad as a wet hen when they stir up that hornet's nest.
Maybe I'm making a mountain out a molehill, but I'm telling you the truth, when I heard that, it made my skin feel like it was crawling with ants.
And that, my friend, is one whale of a tale. Just watch out for the barracudas! Though they're slow as turtles, they can be as slippery as eels and crafty as foxes. And for goodness sake, whatever you do, don't throw 'em to the wolves! You remember the tale of B'rer Rabbit, right?
So, stay away from jackrabbit starts in that Mustang, or your car could end up with vultures circling around it. And then, you'll wonder why slothfulness in attending to the matter caused its untimely demise. No longer will you be as proud as a peacock over that car! Remember, curiosity killed that cat. And like flies to honey, you'll be busy as a beaver making those repair trips to the parts houses. It would be a failing of mammoth proportions.
But if you'll take a crow's nest view, you'll be fine. Just be eagle eyed.
Now that it's the mid-day, I find myself hungry as a horse, so don't be crabby or prickly as porcupine when I invite you to the buffet restaurant. And please, when the waitress asks what you'd like to drink, don't parrot her. She'll think you have bats in the belfry. And please, don't just have rabbit food. It's too squirrely.
What I've said, I've not been mousy about. I've been bold as a lion. But when the time comes, I'll be swift as a deer to rescue myself from their predatory remarks. I'll be quicker than a cheetah, and more surefooted than a mountain goat.
Stay tuned for more as the cock crows, when we hear the bluebird of happiness sing that mockingbird tune!