The comments about Postsecondary chancellor Byrne leaving his two-year college position
"sooner than expected" to run for governor are interesting...the Press-Register story quotes two Republican SBOE members as urging Bryne
to step aside because holding a state job while running for another would give the appearance of double-dipping (surely a sore point in Postsecondary!). Byrne did a state fly-around to announce his candidacy today. But the real target of the comments may be on the other side of the aisle. Can you say Democrats Agriculture Commissioner Sparks and Congressman Artur Davis? Unless they quit their day jobs, they'll both receive government paychecks till election day. Not that it's only Democrats: Robert Bentley is a Republican state Representative and Kay Ivey (if she runs) is Treasurer. Also, Charles Bishop(OW) is a State Senator who says he's not running for re-election. All this raises the question about an incumbent running for re-election, all that time on the public dole spent on the road trying to keep his/her job instead of doing his/her job!
UPDATE: Thursday May 28, 2009 State Treasurer Ivey
will run. She doesn't say if she'll leave the Treasurer's job, but she does say:
"I've been absolutely devoted to finding solutions to the PACT problems, and not trying to make political hay out of a very bad situation for Alabama students and their parents," Ivey said. Uh, does that mean she won't use her failed program against her opponents?]
When Artur Davis became a Congress-critter, he went on the Federal payroll. He's not a state employee.
ReplyDeleteI'm really more concerned about state employees holding down regular jobs, usually in higher education, while collecting paychecks as members of the legislature. Many of them were offered these positions AFTER they were elected. That is true double-dipping!
It's really less an issue of double dipping )that was the comment from the SBOE member) as one of single dipping without working for it. Running for Governor is a fulltime job...how can Davis or any of the others run and do the duties taxpayers are paying them do to?
ReplyDeleteThis is primarily in regard to your comments, Jay.
ReplyDelete"Double dipping" is a non-issue, one which was contrived by those whom have vested interests in seeing others put out of offices to which they were legitimately elected, and jobs for which they are equally qualified and were hired.
My dad has a pension from the United States government as a retired Korean War naval veteran and National Guardsman/Reservist, and one from the state of Alabama as a retired teacher. And, he receives Social Security. He's a TRUE "Triple Dipper."
Wanna' try and take his money away? You'd be DENGRATING his SERVICE to our nation and our children.
So let the ignoramuses who assert that people CAN'T do two jobs think again! Because there are PLENTY of men and women whom are on active duty now, away from family & friends with their employers paying into their retirement and supplementing their active duty pay.
Such a damn stupid comment raises my ire in MORE ways than one!
Alabama's legislature is a PART-TIME job. You wanna' make it FULL-TIME and double or triple the salary?
Who DOESN'T know of someone whom has worked at least TWO jobs... for whatever reason?!
To deny a person equal opportunity because they don't care for their brand of politics or stand on issues is REALLY what we're talking about here!
Geez, Louise!
Stupidity calling!
Oh... you have it already.