May 14, 2009

"Free The Hops" Bill

Senate passes this for-some-reason controversial bill. Oh yea, it has to do with sinnin', that's why it's controversial. Even Teatotlin' Republican State Senator Hank Erwin ended up voting for it after being a lead opponent. Think his announcement that he's running for Lt. Gov has something to do with it? Anyway, you should soon be allowed by your government to drink specialty beers. Wow. Those Hops taste like freedom...and in my lifetime I think I may have consumed a six-pack of beer. (-:


  1. From a common sense perspective, the state has a vested interest in regulating alcohol containing beverage. However, our nation's beverage alcohol laws are a mishmashed hegemonized conglomeration of arcane and outdated rules and regulations that neither serve the government nor the people's interests well.

    Vintners and other makers of ETOH containing beverage are frequently hamstrung by the abstruse intersection of federal, state and local laws regulating the same.

    For example, in our northern neighboring state, Tennessee, one cannot purchase wine at a grocery store. In Sweet Home Alabama, we can.

    However, it may be a long, long time before we get the good taste of Moose Drool here in Alabama.

    Now THAT, my friend, is GOOD beer!

    New Belgium Brewing makes some good stuff too!

    Neither is it available in AL. However, it is in TN, and will soon be in GA!

    Reckon we'll ever see liquor sold in grocery stores? It is out west!

  2. The roll call I saw had Erwin voting "No" on the bill. I believe, though, that his absence from the chamber prompted the chair to bring the bill up for a vote, since he had pledged to filibuster against it. So it seems that he left instructions for a colleague to vote on his behalf.

  3. Heres's explaination for the confusion:

    "Erwin was not in the Senate chamber for Thursday's vote; however, the Senate approved the bill by using a previous vote total. Erwin was on that roll as voting aye."

  4. Will Hank Erwin go to hell by proxy since he voted for Free the Hops by proxy?
