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May 21, 2009

Help me understand...

So the former GOP Presidential ticket of McCain/Palin now agree with bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ? AND in Texas, where Governor Perry has fought against the stimulus package, the legislature is using $11-Million of it to rebuild the burned Governor's Mansion? On top of that, President Obama reverses his position on the military tribunals at Guantanamo... Does ANYONE say what they mean in politics? Or if they do, does that assure defeat? One well known Birmingham resident I know was considering a run for state office, but told me this week that he decided against it because he would have to bend his principals to win.


  1. ~~Does ANYONE say what they mean in politics?~~


    ~~Or if they do, does that assure defeat?~~


    Think Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and me.

  2. Why, Tim!

    I thought you knew that "the only constant is change"!

    Hey, I've had to change my mind - my opinion, if you prefer - on many issues, once I obtained further information.

    And I know for damn sure you have too! You see, it's the human condition.

    In mental health, there's a condition of illness which includes what we call "concrete thinking." It means, as you might suppose, that one takes QUITE LITERALLY (there's your "Literal Watch"!) everything that is spoken. Those whom are so suffering have little or no ability to understand in the abstract, or to associate properly ideas with actions from other scenarios.

    Surely, one must understand that in life, we have situations that change. And so it is in politics.

    Once, I jokingly said to a dear friend with whom I was dining that, when asked "Why don't you run for office?" I jokingly replied, "I'm not corrupt enough!"

    That's NOT to say I am corrupt, of course, but my expression of discontent with the actions of our current slate of elected officials at all levels - local, county, state and national.

    For example, I think Lowell Barron is a slimebag weasel, whom has used his position to screw the people he purports to serve, and the state at large.

    In stark contrast, I have great respect for David Bronner.

    I think Alabama State Treasurer Kay Ivey ought to be indicted, and class action lawsuit brought against her, Governor Riley, and other in the state by those whom LITERALLY "bought into" the PACT fund.

    At the state level, I think the money awarded to the state from the Exxon "we're screwing you of your royalties" off-shore suit ought to be a HANDS OFF! trust fund, not one from which our legislators constantly steal.

    Only interest from the fund should be used.

    At the Federal level, I think the Social Security trust fund should, by law, ONLY be used to pay for claims upon it, NOT used as a "slush fund" from which avaricious legislators fund anything. That is the only way Social Security will become solvent beyond our grandchildren's grandchildrens' retirement.

    And Tim, as you and everyone else hopefully know, politics is the art of compromise. And ALL politics begin in the home - because Mamma doesn't always get her way, nor does Daddy, nor do the children. Yet, by mutual agreement, some can get their way some of the time, but NO ONE gets their way all of the time.
