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May 21, 2009
Understatement of the day
From the Birmingham News:
"Riley said he saw video of the police beating on a national newscast this morning. ''I think anyone that saw it thought there was an over-reaction,'' he said. ''You have to give police officers some latitude, to go through what they go through every day, and the adrenaline's pumping and everything is moving very quickly, but you should never tolerate that type of reaction from any segment of law enforcement,'' Riley said.
So what's the story here? Is it a simple "over-reaction" that's kind of understandable because of the stress in police work?
Governor: since when do five officers get fired and the FBI joins in a criminal investigation because of an "over-reaction"? And what about the cover-up part...was that an "over-reaction" too?
[UPDATE: the lawyer for the five fired officers says they were following training.]
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I commented on one of your blog entries about the Birmingham PD video. However, I'll repeat the germane parts here.
ReplyDeleteBefore that, however, we bring you this message from our constituency.
"Governor Riley is an incompetent boob whose pathetic bungling is only surpassed by the village idiot from Texas."
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
To Riley, "right" is the opposite of "left," which is NOT where he stands!
Perhaps we should explain to the guvnuh using poultry terminology. I'm sure he understands that!
If you sell eggs, you should not beat your chickens, because if you do, they won't lay eggs.
If you sell chickens, you shouldn't beat your chickens, because they become too tough for pleasant dining, and consequently, folks won't buy 'em. And then, they won't breed, and you'll lose your future source of eggs.
Now, the previous germane post:
"The "Tragic City" can ill afford their rulers, er, their mis"leaders."
"They're all - in my opinion - as corrupt, and crawling with maggots as a three-day-old rotting pig carcass in the South Alabama sun.
"Why, even in Miranda v. Arizona, the suspect was found guilty, but now, we have case law that preserve Constitutionally guaranteed rights.
"Later, of course, that man was killed... by his own cadre of thugs.
"However, this does NOT excuse our laws' enforcement authorities from actions outside the boundaries of law - either in the civilian or military sector.
"As has been said, ours is a nation of laws.
"In "Bummin'ham's" scenario, the whole city, county and area is learning their lessons the hard way.
"Bankruptcy, fraud, ineptitude, criminal behavior, high crime rates, etc., etc.
"Birmingham is only vomiting what they've consumed." (Maybe they've eaten the scrambled eggs laid by those beaten chickens!)