May 31, 2009

The Rep. Bobby Bright Pharmacy Connection

The Montgomery Advertiser has connected the dots--or at least some of the dots-- regarding the pro-Rep. Bobby Bright advertising campaign I blogged about on Wednesday. Sebastian Kitchen reports the ads, in print and on TV, are supporting Bright, even though Bright has take some stands the drug companies oppose. But the story also quotes a Bright spokesman: "PhRMA (the lobbing group running the ads) is doing this completely on their own and without our knowledge." I'm slightly less confused, but only slightly. If Bobby Bright really wants Americans to be able to buy drugs from Canada, and he really believes the Federal Government should be able to negotiate for the price of drugs for it's huge Medicaid and Medicare programs, and the drug companies oppose both. Why are they trying to get Bright re-elected?And does anyone really believe the Pharmacy companies would support someone who will vote against their interests?

1 comment:

  1. Okay Tim... you and I and anyone with at least half a brain (I write somewhat sarcastically) knows that the "Follow the Money" trail (or "Follow the Greenback Road", take your pick), is all about Big Business depositing (or perhaps more accurately, purchasing) the politician whom will support the agenda they desire.

    Meanwhile, "We the People" get the shaft, while the corporations get the gold mine.

    It's that aspect of politics that bothers me so.

    While on one hand I believe in the system, I certainly am convinced that there should be enforceable mechanisms (laws, rules, regulations, etc.) in place which protect the people from officials' self interests and penalize those elected officials and others whom violate them.
