Public Relations nightmares can come from outside of a corporation...or from inside. The 1982
tampering with Tylenol that resulted in murder charges is an extreme example of the former. The recent video shot by Pizza-Hut workers showing them goofing around and contaminating the food is an example of the latter. But sometimes it's an action by a corporation itself that causes the damage. And that bring us to the story of the K
rispy Kreme Donuts and the sewers story. How is it nobody at he corporate level saw where the story was going and pulled the cord? Somehow they didn't, and then next thing you know there was a lawsuit, news coverage, and the inevitable mind's eye picture of their product corroding their customer's innards....
Maybe it was even worse...maybe the corporate PR types did get wind of it and tried to intervene without success. One way or the other, it's a good example as any of the importance of a good public relations department. And yet they are frequently the first to be let go when the economy sours.
County Supervisor Gerald Hyland said of his late wife, Carmen that "If Carmen and I were driving by and the 'hot doughnuts' sign was on, we couldn't help but stop."But he said, "I prefer Dunkin' Donuts."That fellow doesn't know good, does he!?!
ReplyDeleteHe probably killed his wife, too!
Fairfax county officials are taking a cheap shot at enterprise.
Reckon what might happen if they took the "I'm gonna' take my football and go inside" approach?
Might not be too good, eh?
Maybe they ought'a send a daily batch to the courthouse every Monday and Friday. That'd be GREAT PR, eh?
Send some to the radio stations, the teevee stations, the newspapers, etc. Have a special promotion, the "Fairfax County Doughnut Day" and all doughnuts 1/2 price until 0930. And on Tuesdays, it's a two-fer!
On Wednesdaze (hump day), it could be doughnut hole day - you know, eat the hump!
You get the idea... "pollute the pool." It'd be a great tax write-off! Promotions, you know...
And, who wants to bite the hand that feeds 'em?
What a bunch of sour grapes folks!