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May 30, 2009

Web Radio IN THE CAR

(Thanks to Bill Thomas in Birmingham for pointing this article out!) The development of technology to make web-radio stations portable should give cold sweats to anybody in the radio business. Just why would anyone listen to your broadcast station (with its dumbed down programming and music and corporate formatting) OR your satellite station (and its expensive fees) when I can select from thousands, maybe tens of thousands of stations in the online world. You'd better come up with a good answer to that question, because net radio is going for a drive.

1 comment:

  1. Okay... webradio. Somebody's gotta' own the xmtrs. And though I have a FCC license, it's not for commercial broadcast.

    That would be Big Business... unless you think that the digital broadcasting model is going to significantly change. Big Bux there, you know (for the equipment, etc.).

    Okay then, that leaves us with subscriber service - think Sirius XM.

    Don't much listen to commercial radio. Advertisements SUCK! And since I'm not 13 any more, I don't think that Christine Aguilera, Britney Spears or others of their ilk, are worth the time it takes to find what stations they're NOT being play on.

    Listen to CDs in the Jeep, and satellite in the house.

    Fast forward through the ads on the satellite teevee. Advertising (excepting the wonderful Apple Macintosh commercials) SUCKS!

    Strange though... a good friend of mine owns an advertising agency. We never talk shop.

    Never understood why subscribers are FORCED to watch @#*&%! commercials.
