Jun 6, 2009

Hurray for Jefferson County!

That's what a lot of Alabamians should be shouting this morning with word of the impending cuts in government services. The Birmingham News story by Barnett Wright details the cuts that are coming because of a $51.7-Million deficit. Now all those folks who have been screaming for smaller government should be delighted! The satellite county courthouse operations that save you a drive downtown? Gone. We don't need no stinkin' building inspections...and we'll be fine without road maintenance, right? Did Jefferson County dig its own grave? Sure, and the County Commissioners who were and are in office need to pay the price. Jail if laws were broken, banishment from reelection if it's just plain incompetence. But let's think for a minute before we tear down the important services government(s) provide.
(OK, cue the Libertarian commentators.)


  1. I think he's calling for YOU, Loretta! *LOL*

    IMO, the "Libertarian" ideal means:
    1.) legalizing ALL presently illicit drugs (i.e., heroin, LSD, cocaine, marijuana [of course!], ecstacy, peyote, etc.) and taxing the crap out of it;

    2.) eliminating governmental standards of weights, measures and purity;

    3.) legalizing the sale of sexual "services" (more commonly known as "prostitution")... and taxing the crap out of it;

    4.) allowing private enterprise to do whatever they want, including pollute, and rip off, to whomever they want [market forces, you know...];

    5.) abolish all taxes (wait a minute... don't they wanna' tax dope and sex?)

    ... and even more weird stuff.

    Consider the so-called "Free Market," which in it's origination means that there is NO regulatory authority, no standardization of monetary systems, weights, measures, purity, etc.

    Of course, "libertarianism" has roots in anarchy, which is defined as a condition of gross disorder because of the absence of, or widespread disobedience to authority, which is also characterized by the absolute freedom of the individual, and utter absence of organized government. Think "my gun is bigger than yours, and I fired first, therefore I win."

    Combined with a wholehearted absence of social justice (another defining characteristic of "libertarianism," one could hardly call such a philosophy any kind of political ideal.

    Police? Under FM & L, they don't exist.

    Standing armies? There'd be a plethora of 'em... all private. (Perhaps more accurately, they'd be called "gangs.")

    Social security? What's that? Two incongruent words?

    Pure medicine and food? Inspection to ensure safe buildings?

    Think "Mad Max," and "Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future."

  2. Less government is fine, so long as the one we have is working in the first place. Can we say that in Jefferson County? I don't think so. It is a big sucking mess. It is almost not worth the words, but I'll throw them in anyway. Can it really get any worse?
