Jun 7, 2009

Unions vs Business vs Davis vs Sparks

Good story by Mary Orndorff in the Birmingham News this morning about Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Artur Davis and his pro-union stand on the so called "card-check" legislation. The bill would make it easier for unions to organize, and is opposed by the big-money and big-campaign donating companies in the state that are fiercely anti-union. According to the story, Davis has started softening his support for the legislation by saying it has "flaws", and he would like to "add an exemption for certain small businesses or distressed industries." My first question is which industry is not distressed? My second question is what is the card-check position of Ron Sparks, Davis' opponent in the Democratic primary? On Sparks' website the "Issues" page had a big "Coming Soon" sign. Sparks worked in a mill, went to a technical school and was in the Coast Guard. Hard to imagine him being anti-union but who knows? It is probably a safe assumption that most if not all of the Republican Candidates oppose the legislation. The issue is another example of Southern Democrats, even African-American Southern Democrats, taking on a more conservative stand than their DNC brethren. But when is the last time you heard of a democrat siding with management against labor [in recent history anway]? The story is likely a big topic of conversation in Point Clear, where the 25th Annual Governor's Labor/Management Conference started today at the Grand Hotel at Point Clear. I don't know if Congressman Davis or Commissioner Sparks are invited speakers or not, but it sure would make a lively dual-appearance topic!

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