Jun 5, 2009

Prayin' for President Obama (to die).

Yup, and it's not some itinerant backwoods preacher. It's a person who held a position of some authority with the Southern Baptist Convention. He says he's praying for the President's death.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. People a lot less radical pray for the defeat of football teams and for hurricanes to stay away (or, who knows? To strike?) and for who know what else. But since President Obama is also a Christian, what does God do? Flip a coin?


  1. The story indicates in the lead sentence that the subject in question is "a former Southern Baptist Convention officer..."

    The next sentence states that "An (sic) SBC official [said] most Southern Baptist[s] are praying for the president's well-being—not his demise. And the denomination's chief ethicist decried the killing of the doctor."

    Itinerancy is not a bad word. It simply means traveling from place to place. The Saviour was itenerant.

    But regarding "backwoods," that's a kinda' nice place too! I like the woods!

    Just go ahead and call 'im ignernt!

    Baptists aren't especially renown for their longstanding (2,000± years) sound historical religious traditions, or rock-solid, time-tested and scrutinized theology anyway.

  2. I'm sure that by now, the Secret Service and Homeland Security are keeping a close watch on this nut.
