Jun 13, 2009

The Rising Tide of Hate

Frank Rich in his Sunday NY Times column puts his finger much more precisely than I did last week on the upsurge in hate killings, and the connection to the media and politics. I connected hate, religion and guns, but Rich's column points an accusatory finger at those in the media who stir the overflowing pot of angry Americans with lies.
Is Rich being an alarmist? The TalkRadio genie is out of the bottle and I can't imagine it being put back. There are very few places left where you can hear actual discussion about the issues instead of shouting about imagined sins. (And yes, I really do believe FTR was one of those places.)
Americans listen or watch only those programs that reinforce their existing beliefs, perhaps because switching to another channel means such in-their-face vitriol that it is offensive. Now we're in a world of High Definition Digital Signals, but the HD channels we receive are carrying only Low Definition discussions.


  1. (And yes, I really do believe FTR was one of those places.)

    And you are absolutely correct! I do believe it was one of, if not the most, civilized discussion shows I've ever watched. People who watched it could actually learn something from it and become informed about the issues facing Alabama. APT did a real dis-service to the citizens of Alabama when they cut it from the budget. IMO, they should have cut out every other show and left FTR alone.

  2. Well said, Tim!

    "High Definition Digital signals and Low Definition discussions..."

    Great phrasing!

    Oh, how true... how true - how sadly true.

    I think the word is "demagogue."

    I hope and believe that "the TalkRadio genie" can be put back into the bottle, while safeguarding Americans' Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

    You may recall the most serious recent incident in which a talk radio host in north Alabama on air and on his website created a fraudulent election document (using the official State Seal of Alabama), and on air, told the people that Republicans were to vote on Tuesday, Democrats were to vote on Wednesday.

    His feeble attempts at "humor" wer taken seriously by Beth Chapman, AL Secretary of State, whom immediately released a press statement negating the radio host's assertion.

    He was investigated by Troy King (and may still be under investigation by federal authorities and others). He is presently suspended without pay for one week.

    With regard for those "unwashed masses" (a phrase used by one of your blog's respondents), I suppose the only thing that could be done is to hold up outstanding examples, rather than catering to the lowest common denominator.
