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Aug 12, 2009

Another One Bites The Dust...

According to a story in The Birmingham News, another music festival is gone from the state's largest city. The Heritage Music Festival, scheduled for this weekend, has been cancelled. Money, not unexpectedly, is the culprit, just it was with the recently cancelled City Stages. In Montgomery, Jubilee CityFest has lost most if not all of its city funding and may not be back next Spring. When you are having trouble paying for basic services like police and fire and road maintenance, its time to jettison the parties. No word on whether the 18,000 plus people who bought tickets to The Heritage Festival will get refunds. [UPDATE: Mary Colurso at The Birmingham News reports refunds are available...]

1 comment:

  1. "When you are having trouble paying for basic services like police and fire and road maintenance, its time to jettison the parties."

    Jettison the parties? Are you kidding?

    What? And forget the fact that they're broker than a broke...

    Naw... Get drunk and fuggetaboutit!

    Seriously, though, everyone WILL get a refund, or else the organization will face prosecution from the DA's office.

    A similar circumstance happened 'round these parts - though it had nothing to do with gov't funding of any kind of festival.

    A fellow sold tickets and then backed out of a promised concert. He was charged with theft.

    In this case, the agency selling the tickets could face class-action status, as well.

    Danger, Will Robinson!

