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Aug 11, 2009

Weeds, Etc.

During their Save Jefferson County special session, legislators may shorten the time it takes City of Montgomery officials to force landowners to cut weeds around their properties. The Montgomery Advertiser has the story this morning. Great idea. Now how about doing something about the people who own properties like the one above, visible on a main street in and out of the city? Clearing the weeds is one thing. How long can the city allowed buildings like this sit and fall apart?

1 comment:

  1. Once again, here we come, hat in hand, begging our entire freakin' state's representative elected officials...

    "Please master, may I have permission to: _?_ (_insert_your_local_problem_here_)."

    Two, perhaps four, words:

    Constitutional Reform
    Home Rule

    (P.S. I hope Bob "I'm-in-favor-of-raising-your-taxes-because-I-even-OK'd-annual-reappraisal-increasing-your-real-estate-taxes" Riley's support of taxing every soul that works (but not reside - PAY for the "privilege" of working - isn't AL a "right" to work state?) in Jefferson County special taxing session goes down in flames, and that they do NOT get their occupational tax reinstated. The whole damn county and city is INEPT and CORRUPT.

    Be like a Timex watch: Take your licking and keep on ticking. There should be a class action lawsuit against the (mis)leaders personally - which might not be a stretch, considering accusations of bribery.

    Their collective ineptitude is on national display, and giving them more money would be like pouring 1952 Lafite Rothschild down an alcoholic's gullet - it's an utter waste, and exercise in futility.

    Birmingham (aka LaLa Land) is the gaping Black Hole of Alabama.

    Birmingham - the TRAGIC CITY.
