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Sep 16, 2009

Literally Watch!

Been a while since I caught a nice plump misuse of the word "literally", but there is was on a Montgomery TV newscast last night. The anchor told us an event happening in the city was "literally putting Montgomery on the map". Uh, no, unless it was a cartographers convention and they were drawing a new state map. And it was a competition sponsored by the Bass Master on the Alabama River Downtown (and no, they're not "literally putting the river on the map" either). [Literally Watch is a public service of this blog, defending the original, and we believe correct, meaning of the word.]


  1. Regarding the photo of Semmes with his doctor--

    What's the reason he has his hand in his coat? Did the doctor botch the job?

  2. Hey Jay,
    I THINK he's just using the coat to keep the hand raised's bandaged. Not a terrible serious wound form what I read, more like a large splinter.

  3. It's the "Napoleon" look!

    (He hadn't yet "met his Waterloo"!)

