Sep 21, 2009

MMMM #61 - The Day My Newspaper Almost Died

Yesterday was Sunday, the only day of the week I still have The Montgomery Advertiser delivered. And I forgot. Some of it can be chalked up to the weird schedule I've been keeping. I get up at O'Dark O' Clock to anchor "CBS 8 This Morning" starting at 6:00am each weekday. I've been trying to more or less keep the same schedule on weekends, so each Monday doesn't feel like hitting a brick wall. So I was awake long before the paper was delivered yesterday. Then I went back for some more sleep, then I got up a crazy schedule. I had already watched all of CBS Sunday Morning, and was back online again before I remembered that there was a newspaper sitting at the front door. 10:00am! During the early morning hours I had been on and off the net...keeping an eye on the big stories of the night and morning, so I felt no real need for the paper. Sigh. Reading the paper with a cup of coffee used to be a significant part of my Sunday. Now here it was 10:00am and I had forgotten. I determined to write yet another MMMM about the end of newspapers as we knew them. I kinda sheepishly went to the porch and retrieved the paper, looking to see if any neighbors would spot my tardiness. None did. I am happy to report it was well worth the trip! There on the front page, Markeshia Ricks had a piece about why there's so much campaigning going on for an election that's a year off. Inside on page C-1, Sebastian Kitchen wrote about candidate Bradley Byrne's quest for supporters in his GOP race for Governor. And back on the front page, Kim Klass interviewed Montgomery men who hire prostitutes, and were willing to talk about it! Pictures and all! (I do wish she had including the controversy over the paper and TV stations showing the mug shots of men accused...not convicted..of soliciting a prostitute, but that's literally another story.) There was a nice feature in section D about a Montgomery artist doing a huge mural for a New York City apartment building project, and coupons, of course. Usually enough to justify the cost of the paper. My faith in newspapers has been renewed. Albeit a touch late in the day.

[PLUS: Watch the video on this site of a FOX Network TV producer encouraging a crowd to yell an shout as the reporter she's working with does his report. Amazing. Thanks to Steve Sanders for pointing it out to me.]

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

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