Oct 22, 2009


Why more control should be exercised over the comments section after newspaper stories online. This, after a runaway teenager story in The Huntsville Times:

If he ran away, he's right where he wants to be. Why spend money looking for him? He's like a cat. He'll turn up when he gets hungry.

[UPDATE: A N.Y. Times story discussing the increased nymber of runaways caused by the Recession.]


  1. That should certainly be labeled "editorial opinion" or "letter to the editor."

  2. What is the "that" to which you refer, Jay? The comments contributed by the readers?

    Isn't sharing thoughts about the story - opinions - the whole point anyway?

    I suppose that it's a matter of interpretation (i.e., opinion) about in what spirit the comment was written. The comment could be simply a matter-of-fact-down-to-earth opinion, or it could be a coarse, cutting, denigrating diatribe. Since we don't know the writer, we're left to our own devices to interpret.

    By the way, the boy was found a matter of hours after police made a public request for help.

    So, as the writer suggested, he certainly turned up.

    Of course, kids don't run away because things are A-okay. His high school counselor, police and social services (DHR) will doubtless be involved, and they'll establish a course of action to address and hopefully correct what's bugging the boy.
