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Feb 22, 2010

MMMM #86 Media & Politics @ St. James School

     Spent a good part of the Friday with students at St. James School in Montgomery, meeting with four classes of 12 graders to discuss media and politics.
     It reminded me how tough teachers have it! No, the kids were all very well behaved (unlike the stories I hear from a friend of mine who substitute teaches  in another state). But by the 3th class I couldn't remember what I talked about with previous classes, and kept hearing echoes of earlier conversations.
     Sorry if I repeated myself.
     Sorry if I repeated myself.
     I also was reminded that newspapers---the print kind---as we know them are really dead. Although some of the kids said they read parts of a newspaper at least once a week, it's because their parents get it delivered at home. Where do they get most of their news? The net. And Jon Stewart. Some of them watch cable news, and see both FOX and CNN as equally biased.
    I asked if they felt news was relevant to them, and one girl said not now, but it will be when she turns 18 and is old enough to vote. Ah, youth!
[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]
[ALSO: Here is a commentator who says radio is alive and well, contrary to what new media folks say. He's got a point, but as I said to the St. James kids, radio news gathering is dead. Little of that is going on in the AM/FM media, except for NPR and to some extent local public stations, of course.]


  1. I know the feeling, Tim.

    Around this time of year, 30 years ago, I did a whirlwind of speaking engagements in International Falls, MN. The temperature was 30 below.

    High school, Kiwanis, and I forget what else. I got tired of hearing myself over and over again.

  2. I disagree, Tim. A picture of my little dog Betty appeared in this morning's birdcage liner, but not on the on-line edition.

    Proof positive for the need for the print media.

    And WAKA was there, but we didn't get in front of the camera.

  3. Ahhh... Good old St. James. Attended school there, briefly. Would have confessed my first love for the lovely, olive-skinned and raven-haired beauty Holly. Alas, but when after class I met her brother, eyeball to kneecap, the only words I could find were, "see you tomorrow!"
