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Feb 16, 2010

Pricey Air

     Alabamians love to boast (complain?) that their city has the a) worst drivers; b) most ignorant elected officials; and c) the highest taxes (which in Lowtaxabama is really hard to do!).
     They also complain about their airport...not enough flights, to far or or too close in...but now the Rocket City can boast about having the most expensive airport in America to fly out of. Really. How's that for a crowd pleaser? And don't you know other cities use stats like that to convince companies to locate in their municipality instead of Huntsville.

[Reader JC is sending so much material my way, I should put him on staff. Actually I'll do that, and pay him the same as my own salary as Editor in Chief. $0.00 Thanks JC!]

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome, Tim.

    And I just sent you yet another Blog Fodder possibility a moment ago.
