Feb 6, 2010

Storm of The Century!

     The Northeast is buried under a mound of snow this morning, reminding me of some of the great snowstorms of my childhood in New york City.
     A friend in West Virginia emails:
I could hardly get the front or back door opened enough to let Symph out. As much as she likes it, she only could go out a foot or two & didn't care to venture further.
     Symphony is Gary's dog by the way.
     Further up the East Coast, my brother in New Jersey says he has no choice about going to work...the roads in his apartment complex are impassible, and the management doesn't seem in too big a hurry to plow.

    The U.S. Postal Service has cancelled mail service up that way, giving lie to the "neither now, nor hail nor dark of night" promise.
     Unrelated mostly (except in my stream-of-consciousness brain pattern this morning), the Advance Publications promise to never lay off employees at its newspapers---including the Birmingham News, Huntsville Times and Press-Register---is going by the wayside. They offered buyouts to longtime employees, and those who stay will have to live with the threat of the pink slip. The News has a new leader too.
     But back to the snow...or "the "S word" as local forecasters endlessly whisper...don't ya love the way the shelves empty out when there is a threat of even flurries? Even if several inches fell in most of Alabama, how long could it possibly last? Ah well, its part of the culture now. The photo up above shows the only snow of 2009 in Montgomery...on March 1st. So there's still hope! Go buy some bread and milk!


  1. Saw a clip on the news this morning of people lining up to buy snow shovels Up Nawth.

    I don't understand this. I'm sure they had snow last year. Do they throw out their shovels every spring?

    I am proud to say that here in Montgomery I own not one, but two, snow shovels. I haven't used them yet, at least for snow. They may be the only ones in the Gump.

    But some day the Big One will hit, and everyone will be bidding on my shovels. I'll make some serious money!

  2. It's been sleeting at my home in Alexander City for a few hours.

    I remember once as a child waking up to a few inches of snow on a school day. My parents were astonished as there had been no forecast of snow the previous evening. This was the very early 80's and the snow happened on April 1...so Jay you are right to hang on to those snow shovels.

  3. Several years ago my wife and I visited the Biltmore mansion in Asheville NC. It was snowing, and the date--May 5.

    I still remember driving up to the mansion through the pine trees, with the snow gently falling.

  4. Gary James Bridge, Martinsburg, WVSunday, February 14, 2010 1:58:00 PM

    Eight days after your post we are still trying to get out & about; not only here in the Panhandle of WV but the entire Baltimore/DC/VA area. I know alot of people have really worked long & hard to clear this massive amount of snow but when all four of our states can't even have their main streets & arteries cleared something very major is wrong! Federal Government was closed for 4 days. We haven't had school since February 2nd! Tsk Tsk--bad communication, organization, cooperation, synchronization.
