Feb 7, 2010

Tim Spring, 2010

     You can't see them  in this photo, but as I sit writing at my desk today, there are robins in the trees outside my window!
     I joke with Kait Parker on CBS-8 This Morning about "Tim Spring" being just x-number of weeks away. I believe as soon as we're past any danger of lengthy frigid weather---regardless of the actual date Spring will start---that Tim Spring will arrive. Right now I say that's three weeks from now. And my bird friends outside seem to agree. Chirp!


  1. Robbins? Did you call 911?

    It's your your civic duty.

  2. ROBINS? I'm in West Virginia looking out my window to a dozen penguins enjoying our 33 inches of snow as they slide down mounds of plowed snow hoping to land in a lake of water, LOL! (Just kidding)
