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Mar 17, 2010


     Just in time for the 150th anniversary othe Civil War, states are in rebellion---sort of---over the Federal Government. Ironically, it started with a liberal movement...legalizing marijuana for medial purposes. Now it has progressed to States telling the Feds where to go on gun rights and health care and other issues.
     The N.Y. Times story linked above even quotes an Auburn University Professor at the Von Mises Institute (a king of Libertarian think-tank at the University).
     Isn't Alabama a kind of Ground Zero for the "State's Rights" movement, both in the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement?
     Just in case it is necessary, we'll dust off the old telegraph office on Dexter Avenue.

1 comment:

  1. I remember once a few years ago in a judiciary committee meeting concerning medical marijuana the Democrats on the committee were extolling states rights and the Republicans on the committee were hollering, "What about the feds?" It was a true case of falling down the rabbit hole.

    BTW, HB642 The Michael Phillips Compassionate Care Act (medical marijuana bill) will come back before the judiciary committee on March 31 for anyone interested in attending and supporting this noble cause.
