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Mar 16, 2010

A NOT so Happy Saint Patricks Day!

     With the economic misery being visited up Ireland, the second country in my dual-citizenship, I can't imagine there will be many joyful glasses raised in the Irish pubs (though a few to drown the misery over the new troubles is another story!)
     There's even a reported shamrock shortage to add to the misery!
     And unlike the great migrations of the 1800's, this time there's no streets-of-gold United States for the masses to flock to.* We've our own problems mates! But the two countries still share a somewhat symbiotic relationship.
     One way or the other, Happy Saint Pat's Day to those who can find it in themselves to celebrate something!
(THANKS TO J.C. for this update! Check this video clip for some Irish Spirit!)

(UPDATE: According to a story in, there is now a net emmigration out of Ireland...but not to the U.S.)


  1. Awww, Tim.

    Even in the midst of this Second Great Depression, on both sides of the Big Pond we're much better off than during the first one.

  2. Oops! That was me! Jay Croft
