Mar 7, 2010

PCS Candidate Rails Against Obama

GOP Public Service Candidate Terry Dunn posted this on his facebook page this (Sunday) Morning:
The hidden Obama Agenda

Today at 10:34am
Both Roosevelt's Science and Marx's Manifesto agree on the prerequisites for the implementation of the new communist society:

1. Abolition of private property
2. Heavy progressive income tax
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels
5. Creation of a Central Bank
6. Government control of Communications & Transportation
7. Government ownership of factories and agriculture
8. Government control of labor
9. Corporate farms, regional planning
10. Government control of education
11. Abolition of religion
12. Abolition of the family as basic social unit

     I sent Mr. Dunn a message, asking if he truly believes President Obama wants to see the things on the list happen. I'll post his response when and if I receive one.

[UPDATE: Mr. Dunn has replied...see comments below.]
[UPDATE: I never heard back from Mr. Dunn, but the rant he posted has been removed.]


  1. Too bad. Bring him on!

    Good thing you saved and re-published his ranting.

  2. Yes, I am against Obama and his agenda. He has proven his agenda by trying to socialize healthcare when the majority of Americans are against his efforts and his abuse of the stimulus package. Stimulus packages are typically overdone, as socialist inspired governments seek to use them to expand their power. Stimulus programs can be overdone, to the point that it actually prolongs the recession.

  3. So, Mr. Dunn, why did you post that inflammatory screed and very suddenly take it down?

    You seem to like the word "overdone." I think it was your words that were overdone.

    By the way, I have many friends and I like to "socialize." But I'm not a "socialist" and neither is our President. You're just trying to use loaded words.

    By another way--I receive SOCIAL SECURITY benefits. I'll bet you will too, when you become eligible.

  4. "As Public Service Commissioner, my commitment is to serve the public interest by ensuring that financially healthy electric, natural gas and telecommunications companies provide safe, reliable and quality utility services at reasonable rates for Alabamians"

    Mr. Dunn, you haven't won the election yet.

  5. Mr. Dunn, Many Americans indeed resented TARP bailing out Wall Street with few conditions for saving their/our hides. To the extent this approach was continued under the Obama stimulus, I suppose that feeling remains the same.

    I've noticed many Alabama politicians who rail(ed) against the stimulus, using at times the same overwrought language you did, now promoting the money flowing in for various projects across our state. Have you attacked them for their self-promotion and/or apparent hypocrisy?

    "Socialist inspired" loses me, as does your claim that anyone in power is trying to "socialize healthcare". I favored a single payer approach yet even that doesn't socialize squat beyond removing profit seeking insurance companies from between patients and their health care providers.

    A "public option", or mere insurance exchanges, certainly doesn't "socialize" anything does it? The current plan in DC appears to have those limited reforms lacking plus President Obama and the "leaders" in Congress never let single payer near the table.

    I do hope you'll justify your assertions in further detail. John Gunn aka @JuntoGunto aka Captain Plaid
