Mar 8, 2010

MMMM #88 - bill-BOARDs

     I'll confess I have a bias against billboards. They are sometimes called "litter on a stick", and I have to agree. Take a photograph anywhere in which billboards are visible, digitally remove the billboards, and I guarentee you'll have a prettier and less distracting view. The same is true of utility polls, but that's a subject for another posting.
    Here' example (admittedly a rather cheesy Photoshop job, but you get the idea. Besides, I like doing The Governor a favor by eliminating one of those Stan Pate billboards now and then.) (-:

 The billboard companies used to say billboards perform a valuable service by telling people where "services" (read that, the clients who can afford to buy a billboard) are. But frankly, GPS units do a better, less obtrusive job of helping people find stuff.

This comes to mind, as many things, do, because of an article I read about the new "electronic" billboards that change every few seconds. Seems they are a distraction to drivers. Ya think???? I'm reminded of the world Harrison Ford inhabited in bladerunner. Ads cover every available surface. Not bad in a limited space like Times Square that has made neon a part of the attraction and most people are walking, but alongside major raodways they becomes just plain distracting glare.

Another "media" that helps trash neighborhoods are the "palm reader" and "Work at Home" signs that seem to get nailed to every other pole, but that's a posting for another time.

MMMM - (Part Two) Why is there a problem with all of the Bingo Hall raids? It's the media, says Governor Riley. Did he really expect reporters to ignore the drawn guns and massed troopers?)

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

1 comment:

  1. I don't like billboards either and especially don't like electronic billboards. They are definitely a distraction.

    Whatever happened to Lady Bird Johnson's scenic beautification program?
