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Apr 11, 2010

Dixie Carter - RIP

     Sometime my minds plays tricks with me, letting me think I've interviewed someone over the years when it never happened.
     But there's no doubt I interviewed Dixie Carter. It was at Channel 42 in Birmingham, and she was as gracious as you would expect. The book she was promoting was titled "Trying to Get to Heaven, Opinions of a Tennessee Talker", and it was due out in a month or so.
    Ms. Carter died yesterday of cancer at the age of 70.
   The NY Times story of her death inlcudes a quote about her wanting to live in Tennessee because it was...
...a welcome contrast to the backstabbing and sniping of Hollywood.

“Of course in the South we talk about people too,” she said. “But if you end your comments with ‘Bless her heart,’ you’re off the hook.”
     She signed my copy of her book "I so much enjoyed our time together" though she can't have even rememberd what citry she was in during one of those fifteen state whirlwind book tours. But she sounded like she meant it, and she may as well have added "Bless your heart".

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