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Apr 12, 2010

MMMM # 94 -- A VERY big photo montage

     Mark your calendar..May 2nd, 10:00am Central Daylight Savings Time.
     That's the day and time the NY Times Lens blog is setting for folks to take a snapshop and send it to them to perhaps become part of the biggest "A Day In The Life Of..." type photo experiment ever.  It will be least they hope so.
     I'm going to try to do it...if I can come up with the right place to be, and the right photo to take.

[ALSO: One of my pet peeves has been the decision by newspapers to allow readers to comment without being required to use their real names. FINALLY some of them..and some web sites too..are waking up!/]

[PLUS: not a lot of positive thoughts among journalists about the future of the MSM...]

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