Apr 28, 2010

Update: Republican retreat after blocking Wall Street Reform

     The GOP Senators agree to "allow" debate on the issue.
     From the NY Times story:
“I believe we owed the American people our best effort to make whatever changes we could to this incredibly complex piece of legislation because it will have wide-ranging implications for our economy,” Mr. Shelby said in a statement.

1 comment:

  1. These are the same ding-dong retards - yes RETARDS (and I mean that pejoratively) that ran America into the ground in the Great Depression.

    Same song, second verse.

    Second verse, pretty much same as the first.

    Who says "you can't legislate morality"? We do it every day! Laws are ALL ABOUT morality! Stealing from "We the people" is theft, all the same.

    It's not necessary to go kill someone or steal to see what happens.

