Jul 31, 2010

1940's America

     The Denver Post has published a wonderful series of somewhat rare color photographs taken by the U.S. Government between 1940 and 1950 in a dozen states.
     Alabama is not one of them, but there are shots from all around us that will look for all the world like Alabama...Alabama today! I'm not sure I would give this roadside store much of a second look if I drove past it this weekend!

     (A crossroads store, bar, "juke joint," and gas station in the cotton plantation area. Melrose, Louisiana, June 1940. Reproduction from color slide. Photo by Marion Post Wolcott. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.)

Here's a shot I took about two years ago on the road between Montgomery and Tuscaloosa that has the same flavor.

PhotoShop it a bit and...all you need to do is add an old man, a dog and a whiskey sign!

      Here's a link to the collection...enjoy! J.C. sent that link from the blog of a friend of his that you can see here! It's worth a visit unto itself. And yes, the blog title is Dating Jesus.
      Tell blogger Susan Campbell I sent you.

1 comment:

  1. Having lived in the DC area for 16 years, I was fascinated by the DC photos. The buildings never change!
