Jul 31, 2010


     My own vacation this year was the week before last, and though I made only one short trip out of town, it was enjoyable.
     But Senior timlennox.com Editor-in-Chief J.C. has located a Newsweek story that says I should have just stayed at work. Seriously. He is a killjoy.
     The article compares a variety of studies into levels of happiness before, during, and after vacations of various lengths.
     The findings? Read the story. But probably not if you are just about to head to your vacation spot.


  1. It's Newsweek that's the killjoy, not me. I only work here.

  2. I must be weird but loved my vacation, had no flight to worry about, kids were a hoot in the backseat...not one word of fighting, and I didn't spend that much money. The only sort of bummer thing I can recall about vacation is the vacation I needed when I got back from vacation because of how tired I was from all the fun I had on vacation.
