Jul 14, 2010

America's Latest "Forgotten" Wars

From the Anzalone-Liszt Polling folks....what are Americans concerned about now? Certainly not Iraq or Afghanistan!

Polling Firm Date Group

(Via The Economist/YouGov Poll on 7/6/10)

The economy 37%
Health care 13%
Social security 10%
Immigration 8%
The budget deficit 8%
The environment 6%
Education 6%
Taxes 5%
Gay rights 3%
The war in Afghanistan 2%
Terrorism 2%
The war in Iraq 1%

Any wonder why Robert Bentley's message of thrift  ("I won't take a salary...")  resonated with voters?
Back to the (Clinton) future: It's the ECONOMY, Stupid, NOT A-E-A.

1 comment:

  1. Bentley is already wealthy. A governor's salary is just pocket change to him.

    I am not impressed.
