Jul 15, 2010

And if if had been two months ago?

     The Senate has approved the financial markets overhaul legislation, with both of Alabama's U.S. Senators on the losing side of the 60-39 vote.
     Sen. Scott Brown (T-Mass), darling of the Tea Party movement, voted for the bill, further complicating any direct connection between the GOP and the TP. Is the U.S. Senate becoming a three-party Chamber?
      The House had approved the bill late in June with the only Alabama yes vote coming from...Rep. Artur Davis. I wonder if he would have voted against the bill if it had come up in late May, before the Primary?



CBS 8 political analyst and widely read columnist Steve Flowers will be with me for NEXT weekend's On The Record on CBS-8. We'll do a post op on the runoff and a look ahead to November. And Rep. Bobby Bright will be featured on the program this Sunday...an interview conducted just before the runoff because that was the time he had while home in the District.

[The Washington Post paints Scott Brown as they new go-to guy in the U.S. Senate.]

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