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Aug 10, 2010

Education $ on the way - no thanks to our delegation

     The House has approved a job bill that includes state aid to help fund education and medicaid....despite the fact that all but one of Alabama's delegation voted against it. The "holdout"? Not Bobby Bright...he joined the rest of the GOP members and voted was lame duck congressman Artur with nothing to lose by doing the right...doing the right thing.
     State School Superintendent Dr. Joe Morton was a guest on CBS-8s Talkback segment in our 5:00pm news, and he cheered the news that the House had approved the $26-Billion dollar bill which now goes to the President for his signature.
     I think you will be hard pressed to find a state official who wanted to see the money rejected, though they probably won't be very public in their praise.
     This goes back to the dichotomy of Alabama elected officials blasting the spending by the Obama Administration while holding out their hands for the cash they need to balance the state's otherwise out of balance budgets.


  1. Artur Davis did the "correct" thing, even though the Right wasn't happy about this.

    It's sad that the word "right" has been co-opted by Tea Baggers & Co., much like Nixon made the American flag a symbol for his policies.

  2. Glad to see Artur go. He ~had~ impressed me. Then I watched him self-destruct against Ron Sparks, a very obviously superior gubernatorial candidate.

  3. "Self-destruct" is absolutely what happened.

    I don't consider Ron Sparks to be a superior candidate. He's made some major gaffes. But no way can I vote for Bentley.
