Dec 15, 2010

Mapping the hood

     The NY Times has put together a neat interactive map using census data that allows you to see the racial, economic and educational makeup of any neighborhood in America. Just enter an address in the space on the top right and voila!
     The best educated neighborhood in Montgomery? Census Track 14...the Southern section of the Old Cloverdale neighborhood. 96% of the population there has at least a High School Diploma. 30% have a Masters Degree or higher.
     Right next door, in Census Track 15, is the second wealthiest neighborhood in Alabama's Capitol City...a track that roughly follows Woodley Road headed East. 16% of the population there earns over $200k. The population out near Taylor Road..Track # the wealthiest...20% earn over $200k.


  1. I'm intrigued by the change in income map. There were a couple of big leaps in Montgomery, really wonder what that is about.

  2. I agree...I found some strange variations in all of the categories. Look at the racial data for Track 15, for example.

  3. Seems to me that the census "tracks" are not based on neighborhoods but by population density, or something.

    Or, perhaps gerrymandering!
