Dec 15, 2010

Kids Quitting Ciggs, Taking Up Pot

     That's what a study from the National Institute on Drug abuse suggests:

 In 2010, 21.4 percent of high school seniors used marijuana in the past 30 days, while 19.2 percent smoked cigarettes.

     So the anti-smoking campaigns seem to be working, while the social (though not legal) decriminalization of grass is working too. TIME reported the dichotomy on it's website.


  1. There are, of course, lies, damn lies and statistics.

    The figures are misleading. Many who smoke weed also smoke ciggies.

  2. We should actually encourage smoking! Smokers use fewer health resources than do non-smokers! Seriously, they do! Why? They die sooner!

  3. I think this is good news. Not that we want any kids using drugs of any kind....but if they are going to do it anyway then marijuana is by far the safest choice. It is non-addictive, doesn't cause disease and is impossible to overdose on. And least it isn't crack or meth, right?

    This study also proves what we in drug policy have known for a long time....prohibition makes it easier for kids to get their hands on drugs of all kinds. Also interesting to note that the anti-smoking campaign has seen a marked decrease in tobacco consumption via public service ads and without putting a single person in prison. You'd think the govt would take notice....but they make too much money off the prison industrial complex and like the power drug prohibition gives them when it comes to marginalizing certain segments of society. They will never willingly end prohibition because of those reasons. We the people will be tasked with that job.
