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Mar 17, 2011

DO DON'T Know Much About History (Standards).
     Good news about education in Alabama is hard to find, what with the continued cuts in education funding. But a study by researchers at Fordham University ranked Alabama second in the nation--an A-minus-- when it comes to state standards for teaching History. Mississippi got an F. Georgia a B.
     Alabama's grade is especially good when you see how poorly the rest of the country did:

"A majority of states’ standards are mediocre-to-awful. The average grade across all states is barely a D. In twenty-eight jurisdictions — a majority of states — the history standards earn Ds or below. Eighteen earn Fs."

     The grade was reported first by the A-Plus education organization.
     I went searching in Google News for some History Test results to see how well the state stacks up when it comes to actually knowing history, but no matter what series of words I used---Alabama history exam scores---etc etc, the vast majority of stories that turned up were sports stories. Go figure.


  1. Seems that the published standards in Alabama are good, accourding to the Fordham U. study. However, how successful are the students in learning U.S. History?

    That's where the rubber hits the road.

  2. And, of course there are those who preach "The War of Northern Aggression" as a basis for the Civil War.
