Mar 20, 2011

Friendlier Crowd

     Can you blame President Obama for visiting Brazil? Sure, he has legitimate business to conduct there, just as he has in virtually every country in the world, but when The Washington Post uses the word "swoon" in a headline to describe his welcome, and quotes people like one woman...

"He is a president the whole world likes, a black president,” she said. “I would give him a hug. I would tell him he is a good president.”

     Back home he's under constant, unrelenting criticism from the GOP and birthers and the tea party and the left of his own party....heck, he should consider establishing a (Really) Southern White House in Rio!


  1. You forgot to include the DINOs. Democrats in name only.

  2. There's precedent for a "Summer White House" outside our boundaries. FDR had his Campobello, just over the Canadian border.
