May 31, 2011

A Few Blocks Apart--a different treatment of the "N Word"

     A few short blocks away from the offices of New South Books, the publisher who caused an international stir by coming out with a version of Mark Twain's novels with the word "nigger" replaced with "slave", the Southern Poverty Law Center has posted a letter from a teacher in Louisiana.
     She described her own experience with the word and her students.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I did a blog entry on the NewSouth edition of Huckleberry Finn
    And got some interesting responses which I posted at

  2. Yo' nigga! Wazzup? U seen Dave Chappell's Nigger routine?

    As long as linguistics continues to change - and it does - nigger, Negro, Niger, Nigeria, et al, ad naseum - will as well.

    Honestly, I think it's a more of an effort of that prof to get noticed. It's a publicity trick & media ploy disguised as some "I'm-going-to-show-the-world-how-unbigoted-I-am-by-butchering-a-great-American-novelist's-work" episode.
