Jun 2, 2011

ZERO Tolerance

     That's apparently what some South Alabama Republicans have for party members who stray, even those who were republicans as far back as 1952!
     George Talbot reports in the Press-Register that one such person will likely be thrown out of the party for supporting a Constitution Party candidates who almost beat the GOP candidate in the race for House District 105.
     I think strict zero tolerance policies = lazy justice.
     Everything is not always equal. Circumstances do change.
     It's certainly easier...someone performs action "A:", they received punishment "C".
     But life isn't a Chinese Restaurant menu. We ought to allow wisdom to play a part in decisions about punishment and the enforcement of rules. When we don't, we end up with the little girl being punished because an aspirin is found in her coat pocket, or the boy with a nail being sent to detention for violating the zero tolerance policy toward weapons.
     Or the South Alabama gentlemen who was a Republican before there was even a listing for that party in Alabama phone books being kicked out for supporting what he found to be "the better candidate".

[I originally wrote this item a few weeks ago, but a Washington Post story about "zero tolerance" this morning reminded me to finish it up and post it.]

1 comment:

  1. It's been a long time since I've seen a Chinese restaurant menu with "Pick one from column A and one from column B."
