Jun 13, 2011

MMMM # 149 -- The NEW News on CBS.

     Of course I have some bias on this MMMM topic, working now for a CBS affiliate, and having worked for another in Birmingham. But I have to say CBS hit it out of the park with a solid but unsensational first week of news anchored by Scott Pelley.
     And I say unsensational in a complimentary way.
     After night number one, the Washington Post's critic wrote about an immediate and significant difference: how they all handled Weiner's admission of guilt and cover up.
     It's a distance race, of course, not a sprint, but I would say Pelley is off to a great start, treating the evening news with a seriousness and lack of smarmyness and fake sincerity that seems so common elsewhere.
    You go Scott! Back to the future!

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

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