Jun 12, 2011

55 Years after the attack on Nat King Cole

     The Alabama born (1919) singer hosted a variety show on NBC starting on November 5, 1956 and lasting 64 weeks. Advertisers refused to support  The Nat King Cole Show, forcing NBC to subsidize it during most of the time it was on air. Cole commented that Madison Avenue "doesn't like the dark."
     Advertisers were afraid their products would be boycotted in the South if they sponsored the program.
     Now a play is opening in Washington at The Kennedy Center about the show and race relations in the late 50's in American. I Wish You Love originally opened in Minnesota.
     Even before he launched his TV show, in April of 1956, Cole was assaulted on stage during a performance in Birmingham, and refused to performed in the South again.
     Six members of the "White Citizen's Council" who were involved went to trial and some were convicted (in contrast to all of the bombers and others who were acquitted in the 50's and 60's in The South.
     Watch Cole sing a trademark "When I Fall in Love" here.
     The shows were released for digital viewing on iTunes and elsewhere in February.
     Wouldn't it be great if the new play opened in Montgomery where he was born, or even Birmingham, where he was beaten?
     By the way, you can read redacted FBI files here about the singer, showing the Bureau wanted to name him as a Communist.

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