Jun 11, 2011

Session's End

     With the state legislature now gone home till a potential special session on insurance in the fall, Democrats can only look through the ashes of any legislation they wanted...and of their efforts to block legislation they did not want.
     CBS-8 quoted Senator Hank Sanders as hoping he would make it through Friday. And fellow Democrat Roger Bedford told us the GOP had destroyed 20 years worth of laws protecting working people.
     One GOP bill that did not make it through would have defined "personhood" as starting with the fertilization of a human egg. It died on the last day.
     Other states joined Alabama is declaring a 20 weeks cap on abortions, blocked from going even further reported Reuters, by the Hyde Amendment.
     The Legislature's actions were a foregone conclusion as soon as the votes were counted after the November elections, and the GOP had won super-majorities in both houses.
     Republicans had been pushing this agenda for a decade or more, so when they finally had the power to make it happen, the pounced.
     Next November will be the first test of that new majority agenda. Will voters continue to support the cuts and changes made by the new majority, or will there be buyer's remorse?

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