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Jun 19, 2011

Tiny Babies

     We all see the world through the lenses of our own lives, and so the story of sextuplets being born yesterday in Dallas County, Alabama, with birth weights as low as 1.5lbs reminded me of my own 4.4lbs arrival.
     That was considered a high risk birth back then, and I spend a month in an incubator before starting my exploration of the Universe outside.

     But the new kids on the block in Dallas County are said to be healthy and almost ready to start on their own journey. There is still an element of risk for both the babies and the new Mom, but it's amazing to me how much less dangerous just being born is these days.

1 comment:

  1. I weighed about the same as you when I was born! Back in 1942 this was much riskier than now.
