Jun 2, 2011

Tree Felony

Here's a story to chill the heart of small government advocates everywhere...it takes place in Charlotte, North Carolina, not Alabama, so don't worry about the tree cops showing up at your door just yet. But a chruch is being fined for a miserable pruning job on trees on their property.

The story does have a point. Horticulturalists here in the South refer to this kind of crape myrtle pruning as Crape Murder. Ugly for sure. But criminal? Maybe Bad Taste in the 1st degree.

Mike Pender at Classic Gardening and Landscaping in Birmingham---old radio sponsors of mine back in the day---have a page about the practice, though I'm pretty sure Mike would argue with the church being fined on a number of levels. (-:


  1. Would George Washington have been fined for chopping down the famous cherry tree?

  2. Let's see. The city of Charlotte has had a tree-pruning law since 1978. This church member has been trimming the crape myrtle on church property every three years, for a number of times, in exactly the same way each time.

    Suddenly he's a criminal.

  3. That's just plain stupid. Period. Trees grow, so there's no such thing as "beyond repair."
