Jul 23, 2011

After eight months, a tough row to hoe..

     It's been eight months since Republicans virtually took over Alabama State Government, getting any legislation they wanted with super-majorities in a special and regular session (though they managed to keep the big salary increase they used as an issue to win those majorities in November).
     So where are the jobs?
     That's the question tossed at Democrats in Washington all the time.
     Mr. Bentley ran on the jobs issue...even refusing to take a salary till "full employment" is reached. At this rate, he'd better apply for part-time work at the Wal-Mart if he wants to have some money to get presents for the grandkids at Christmas.

    The unemployment rate has only climbed during the Bentley administration.
    Meanwhile the new immigration law is hurting businesses that rely on immigration labor, like agriculture and service industries. In theory, they should be able to hire all of those unemployed Alabamians, no? Or might it be unrealistic to expect the NASA Engineer to wash dishes at the local restaurant?
     The truth is, Alabama governors only have limited power to increase employment, as do U.S. Presidents. It's the private sector, making record profits, that's sitting on its hands refusing to hire. They've discovered how to get more out of fewer employees. What motivation do they have to hire?


  1. Don't worry too much about Dr. Gov. Dr. Bentley. He's a millionaire.

  2. Yes, I know. I think I was being snide or smarmy or...something. (-:

  3. Where are the jobs?

    The Dr. Gov. Dr has hired a computer expert at $178,000 a year. He lives in Texas and flies in on Tuesday mornings, and goes back to Texas Thursday afternoons.

    In other words, it's not even a full-time job, although supposedly he is on call 24/7.

    That's the kind of job that the Dr. Gov. Dr. is handing out.
