Jul 23, 2011

Jefco "reckoning"....

The headline in the Birmingham News: Jefferson County sewer debt reckoning imminent

     That means next week. The "reckoning" could mean a resolution, with some of the debt being forgiven, or not. Great timing. Jefferson County can declare bankruptcy next week as a kind of appetizer for the Unites States following suit a few days later, once the August 3rd deadline passes.

     And it really won't make much difference who is responsible for either financial catastrophe...commissioners who are in jail or those still free; Senators or Representatives or The President. Because we'll all be scrapping together roots and berries in the back yard trying to put food on the table.
     "Oh, Michelle! Nice to see you here...looks like we'll get that anti-obesity plan in place after all! And Mr. Speaker! Sorry all the tanning places have shut down....I guess you'll have to get your tan along with the rest of us out here in the fields..."
     Lord help us all.

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