Jul 14, 2011


An AP poll of "Baby Boomers" finds most worry more about loss of strength and physical ability than loss of beauty. Regarding the word "old"...many don't think it applies to them!


  1. I'm not old, but I do show up at Publix every Wednesday for the 5% Geezer Discount.

  2. Jay is SO good at finding those silver linings...(-:
    I would give up the discount for a touch more youth..that is, IF I qualified for said discount, which, of course, I don't...

  3. And I also clip the newspaper coupon for the one cent special. I get it whether I will use it, or not.

    If not, I donate it to the food pantry at the Church of the Holy Comforter.

    (BTW, the food pantry isn't just for food. They also can use hotel shampoos, soaps, etc.)

  4. Oh I love my 35 cent coffee that most McDonald's give senior citizens. They also give teachers the same price so I can tell them either but I always say "senior discount, please". My Sunday newspaper pays for itself, plus the carrier's monthly tip, with what I save with the coupons I cut out each week. I got a $13.97 eight pack of Schick Xtreme Shavers this week free this week by buying one at that price. The price is within pennies of that price at 4 different retailers so, wa-la, I got 8 expensive shavers free. Gary

  5. Oops!

    Anonymous the First is none other than your Assistant Vice President Researcher Associate, Jay Croft.

    But you already know that.
