Jul 14, 2011

Does Real Evil Exist?

"Of course," you've probably answered, and correctly I would guess. Take just about any war involving just about any country in the last few thousand years and you'll find multiple examples.
  • The Crusades? check,
  • WWII? Of course.
  • Iraq? Ditto.

     But there's not much that comes to mind in everyday society to match the event in Brooklyn New York a few days ago.
    The combination of the the trusting parents...the innocent lost child's request...the timing, and the incredible cruelty of the killing, make for chilling reading.
    Yes, evil exists, and showed itself this week on New York's East 2nd Street.

1 comment:

  1. I have to disagree with the rabbi:

    “He was such a good learner,” the rabbi said, according to a translation. “He used to pray all day. It was a pleasure to have him in the class. We’re not the boss. Everything is as God wanted it.”

    God does not want torture and murder.
