Aug 26, 2011

Driven to Distraction

     In both Georgia and Alabama, drivers distracted by cell-phones have caused deaths, though the Georgia case is a touch more complicated that just the phone, and in Alabama it was the driver and her infant son who died.
     But there anyone who still doubts how dangerous phones and driving are?
     Oh, and there's the UAB study earlier this month that found that listening to music while crossing the street is more dangerous than just talking on the phone while doing so.
     Hey, it's all distraction. Our lives have become so multi-tasked that doing just one thing at a time seems positively slothful.
     Put down the cell phone and put your hands on the wheel and your eyes and ears on the traffic.
    When you are walking next to huge metal machines that can crush you, pay attention.
    And when you're watching me on TV, stop that clothes folding! (-:


  1. For a long time I avoided even having a cell phone because I wanted my car to be one place where I could not be reached. What I can't understand is that people are having to be warned not to TEXT while driving?

    Oh, and I'd put down my laundry ANYTIME to hear you, Tim - I 'm just outside the Montgomery viewing area.

  2. And, Charles, you'd have to get up very early in the morning to catch Tim's broadcast!

  3. 5:30AM is LATE, then the folks who do the show are thinking about dinner!
